

Inês Vicente. Born in Lisbon in 1978. Lives and works in Lisbon. Co-founder of Atelier Data in 2005. Graduated from the Faculdade de Arquitectura - Univeridade Técnica de Lisboa in 2003. Collaborated with Atelier Atitude Virtual in the field of Three-Dimensional Modelling and Institutional Film Production for a period of 2 years. Collaborated with the companies GOC SA and Claro e Simoes Lda, in the project department and on-site project follow-up for a period of 2 years. An important part of her curriculum is the participation in the Course of Entrepreneurship with Scientific and Technological Basis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (2008), in the Program Vector E - Economic Enhancement of Science and Technology, Organization and Business Planning for New Technology-based companies, an initiative of the Center for Innovation, Technology and Development-Politics, IN +, Instituto Superior Técnico and the Office of Entrepreneurship IST (2007-2008) and the intensive course in Graphic Design at AR.CO - Center for Arts & Visual Communication.

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