
Taper Arkitektura

Taperstudio Arkitektura is an architecture firm lead by Jon Ander Azpiazu Juaristi and Unai Gómez Arriaran in which  professionals of different fields collaborate.
Based in Bilbao since 2015, TAPER offers services both to private clients and public administration. These services go from urban planning to  public space and equipment projects, residential projects, new works and rehabilitation.
They propose a creative and functional architecture. A green, environmentally committed, architecture.  In close communication with their clients, they are present at every stage, handling the whole process of each work.

Jon Ander Azpiazu Juaristi (Bilbao,1984). Architect graduated from the University of the Basque Country in 2009, he also studies in Florence (Univesitâ Degli Studi), Barcelona (UPC) and Madrid (UEM), where he completes the Master of Advanced Techniques in Architectonic Projects. Before starting his own professional project, he collaborates in several architecture firms such as VAUMM (Donostia), SSARK (Stockholm), ARUP (Madrid) or ACXT-IDOM (Bilbao). In 2015 he cofounds TAPER arkitektura together with Unai Gómez Arriaran. In 2019 he finishes the Master in Wood Structures, Construction and Design  (UPV/EHU)

Unai Gómez Arriaran (Donostia-San Sebastián, 1984). Architect graduated from the University of the Basque Country in 2010, he also studies in Granada and Napoli. During his first professional stage he collaborates in several architecture firms such as Abar arquitectos (Barcelona), VAUMM (Donostia) and OPEN architekci (Warszawa). In 2012-2013 he finishes the Master in Urban Planning at Cataluña´s Polytechnic University (UPC), in Barcelona. In 2015 he cofounds TAPER arkitektura together with Jon Ander Azpiazu Juaristi. He is Passive House Designer from 2019.

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  • Name
    Jon Ander Azpiazu Juaristi, Unai Gómez Arriaran. Taper Arkitektura