TALLER Architects
TALLER Architects is based in Bogotá and Amsterdam operating in the fields of research, architecture, and territory (urban and landscape design). The company was established in 2009 in Bogotá, Colombia and currently employs 21 full time staff under the creative direction of founders Julian Restrepo and Pablo Forero.
From Taller 301 to TALLER Architects. In 2018 the firm expanded its international presence with a satellite office in The Netherlands which led to a variation in the company name. The Dutch branch is led by architect Sven Hoogerheide and continues the multidisciplinary design approach set out by the Colombian headquarters.
From Taller 301 to TALLER Architects. In 2018 the firm expanded its international presence with a satellite office in The Netherlands which led to a variation in the company name. The Dutch branch is led by architect Sven Hoogerheide and continues the multidisciplinary design approach set out by the Colombian headquarters.
NameJulian Restrepo, Pablo Forero. TALLER Architects