

Marco Poletto
Bio_ graduated with honours from Turin Polytechnic in 1999. Studied at the AA master course in environment and energy, and worked at Battle McCarthy as environmental designer. In 2002 he directed a research group on a six months project in Caracas, working on the subject of urban ecology in the informal city. Marco has been design tutor of the MA on sustainable design at the UEL London and is currently Unit Master of Inter10 at the Architectural Association School of Architecture London and Unit Tutor of Diploma8 at the London Metropolitan University; he co-directed the Fibrous Structures Workshop (AA/ITU exchange workshop). His recent publications include articles for the books "Space Craft: developments in architectural computing" - RIBA Publishing, and "Environmental tectonics" - AA Publishing as well as for various international magazines including "World Architecture - China" and the "AArchitecture – London".

Claudia Pasquero
Bio_ graduated from Turin Polytechnic in 2000, and consequently completed the AA EE Master Programme, she is co-founder of ecoLogicStudio. She has working experience as architect in international offices such as Ushida Findlay Partnership and Erick Van Egerat Architects. She took part to the London and Venice Architectural Biennale with an installation called STEM and is codirecotr of Fibrous Structures Project. Claudia has been teaching and lecturing internationally including East London University, Turin Polytechnic, The Kingston University (London), UDLA (Puebla, Mexico City), IAAC (Barcelona), ITU (Istanbul), Bilgi University (Istanbul) and others; she is currently Unit Master of Inter10 at the Architectural Association School of Architecture London.

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  • Name
    Ecologic Studio