
Sepulcre Bernad

Jaime Sepulcre Bernad was born in Elche (Alicante), Spain, on June 21th, 1972. Architect by the Higher Technical School of Architecture University of Navarra (Pamplona), with Extraordinary End of Career Award. 1998 3rd National Award for Completion of University Studies. 2004 Doctor Architect with the Thesis on Modern Spanish Architecture entitled "César Ortiz-Echagüe and Rafael Echaide: Technification and humanization of functionalism". 2006-2015 Associate Professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of Alicante, in Architectural Projects I, II, III, IV and PFC. 2003-2005 Associate Professor at ETSAUN, in Projects II (with Miguel Ángel Alonso del Val). 1997-2003 Assistant Professor at ETSAUN, Composition Elements, Projects I and II (with Juan Miguel Otxotorena, Patxi Mangado and M. Alonso del Val). 2005 Established in Elche and founded his studio from which he develops his work today.
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  • Name
    Jaime Sepulcre Bernad