
Sensual City Studio (SCS)

Sensual City Studio (SCS). Founded by Pauline Marchetti and Jacques Ferrier in 2010, in association with the philosopher Philippe Simay and the architect Estefania Mompean, is a laboratory of ideas, creation and urban foresight. It brings together a network of professionals from the worlds of art, architecture and urban planning, as well as the social sciences. Working at different levels, from design to urban planning, the studio analyses changes in architecture and large modern cities in order to predict the effect that they will have. 

Sensual City Studio seeks to develop a sensitive, humanist approach to the city, combining sustainable development and new technologies in a quest for innovation and urban delight. The result is a preliminary analysis, procedure and stance which inform the architectural design process. 
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  • Name
    Pauline Marchetti, Jacques Ferrier, Philippe Simay, Estefania Mompean Sensual City Studio (SCS)