
"Pico Valimaña"

Ramón Pico Valimaña. Born in El Puerto de Santa María, 1966, Spain. He has been an architect since 1991 and a doctor in 2011 from the ETSA in Seville. Contracted Professor Doctor of the Department of History, Theory and Architectural Composition of the University of Seville, to which he has been assigned since 1997.

He has been invited to the universities of Lund (Sweden), Nancy (France), Milan Polytechnic (Italy), Tongji (Shanghai) and SUJUST (Miangyang, China).

Since 2003 he has been co-director of the Master's degree in Design for Society organized by the Pablo de Olavide University (Seville) in collaboration with the Glasgow Polytechnic and the Glasgow School of Arts.

He has received numerous distinctions, his work being collected in numerous exhibitions and publications, including Bauwelt, Garten + Landschaft, Iberian Architecture, Detail, METALOCUS, Quaderns, On Diseño, AV, Pasajes, Arquitectura, Diseño Interior ... dean of the College of Architects of Cádiz from 2007 to 2011.