

Pegenaute Pedro, born in Pamplona in 1977. Is a professional photographer specialized in architecture since 2005,  year in which parks his career as a technical architect to devote himself exclusively to photography. Since then works with architects and publishing (books, magazines, webs) national and international prestige.

He has received several awards in photography competitions that reward their particular look: First Prize College of Vasco-Navarro Architects (2005); ; first "Views from the Architecture" (2011) Institute Alicantino Juan Gil-Albert Award finalist "Purification Garcia 2007",  selected work and acquired to be part of both the exhibition that later was celebrated in the Circle of Fine Arts (Madrid), as the private collection of works of that mark. He has also collaborated as a jury in several photography competitions.

His work has been part of numerous exhibitions of architecture in cities like Barcelona, ​​Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York, London, etc.. and his personal work has been shown in particular exhibitions since 2003, where his work began to be acquired by private individuals and private collections, while receives numerous commissions for performing large format murals for interior spaces. 

In recent years, the reflection by "human architecture", in short for the explanation of the architecture from the wearer, and new forms of visual representation have led him to be tested in the audiovisual field with the creation of videos provided from its essence of photographer.

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