

Daniel Moreno Flores, born in Marseille (1984), an architect from the School of Architecture, Design and Arts, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador and currently professor of Advanced Architectural Design in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Ornato City of Quito 2013 Award in the category interventions in existing buildings located in protected areas of the Metropolitan District of Quito with the project “Outpatient mental health center San Lazaro".

He won the First Mention of Honor National Rehabilitation and recycling in the XVIII Bienal Panamericana Quito 2012 with the project designed and built "The Mike study." He was also winner of the National Architectural Design Award in the XVIII Bienal Panamericana Quito 2012 by "Casa Los algarrobos”.

Winner of the National Gold Medal Award for his work Thesis "Office of creative, playful environments in architecture" in the category of Architectural Design at the XVI Bienal Panamericana of Architecture of Quito 2008. This project was also selected to participate in international Archiprix Montevideo 2009, world's best graduation projects competition.

Runner, Santiago de Compostela Contest "Knowledge Factory" Architectural Design, Architecture Design Office, PUCE, in September 2007.

First Honorable Mention in the workshop of emerging Latin American Social housing 2011. Quito Workshop.

Selected works of architectural design, in the XVII Pan American Architecture Biennial of Quito 2010, "The workshop".

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