
Mbad Arquitectos

Mbad Arquitectos. Mario Báez and Adrián Durán set up mbad aqruitectos in 2000, architects from 2002; project teachers gr3 taller scheps, farq udelar mvd uru; teachers from 1997; works and projects have been awarded in national and international panorama; national: first prize concurso de vivienda arq rifa g93, first prize concurso de vivienda arq rifa g95, selected project final thesis for archiprix international estambul 2003, catalogue prize design contest glass equipment for home and office, first prize urban contest zona diseño, honourable mention concurso nuevo centro comunitario y sinagoga nci, third prize nuevo centro universitario regional este cure, third prize pabellon uruguay expo. shangai china; inter.: finalist, house category concurso arquitectura de las americas for realized works, honourable mention archiprix world best graduation project estambul 2003 genova 2004, finalist project iv bienal iberoamericana de arquitectura lima peru, 12 finalists selected projects international contest designing in teheran benetton group, third prize latinoamerican contest biblioteca del bicentenario rosario argentina, shortlisted project international contest academy for educational pprofessionals ministry of education oman; from 2008, have been worked asociated with x-architects office from Dubai, emiratos Árabes unidos, making projects, researchs and international contests in persic gulf; have been made conferences and lectures about works and teacher experience in uruguay, argentina, peru and mexico; were invited to take part as workshop leaders and tutors in several times: workshop internacional d'rchitecture villeneuvette francia 2006, waw!! world architectural workshop reunion island francia 2011; were finally directors in workshop archiprix international montevideo 2009; were invited to take part in international architectural research as passport international world drawing project 2010 2011; were awarded with others distinctions as named huespedes distinguidos by celaya city goverment, mexico; award merito arquitectonico arq. fco. eduardo tresguerras by mexican arquitecture college; were named jury in differents architectural contests also; their works have been published in several architectural magazines and books and international web sites, in uruguay, argentina, chile, peru, spain, holand and germany.

* work or worked: f. bellora, m. benvenutto, g. boccardi, m. campos, p. garcía, v. lópez, v. martínez, m. pereira.
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  • Name
    Mario Báez - Adrián Durán Mbad Arquitectos