

Joaquín Juberías Vidal, architect from the UPV in 2010. From 2008 to 2010 he worked for Menis Arquitectos and, with a break in 2009, at Dominique Perrault Architecture in his Paris office. In a personal capacity, he has been awarded by various entities such as Cemex or Bancaja. In the 2012-2013 academic year he made the MPAA of the ETSAM and presented his TFM under the title "Project with delirium: from the Critical Paranoid Method to the Ghetto of Warsaw through Coney Island". In 2013 he founded the magazine 'Displacements: an x'scape journal' together with other colleagues of the ETSAM. In the following year, organizes for the UPV-ETSAV the exhibition 'Walter Benjamin: Constellations'. Since 2014 he is a lecturer in different universities such as ETSAV, EAYP / UEV, ETSAM or in EPS-UA. He combines his research activity with the professional.
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  • Name
    Joaquín Juberías