Pavel Hnilička (Ing. arch. Dipl. NDS ETHZ in Architektur), studied at the Faculty of Architecture of the CTU under the guidance of Ladislav Labus and Alena Šrámková and did postgraduate studies at ETH Zurich under Dietmar Eberle. In 2003, he founded the studio Pavel Hnilička Architects + Planners. He deals with the design and construction of buildings, land use, and regulatory plans. One of the subjects of his interest is the relationship between theory and practice in design.
From 2007 to 2010, he taught at the Department of Urban Design at the FA CTU. From 2012 to 2014, he prepared new Prague building regulations at the Institute of Planning and Development of the City of Prague, for which he was awarded the Czech Architecture Award for outstanding contribution to the field. From 2014 to 2018, he was the Vice-Chairman of the Czech Chamber of Architects. He co-authors the publication Density and Urban Economics, comparing the relationship between population density and public infrastructure costs.
NamePavel Hnilička
VenuePrague, Czech Republic.