Factory Fifteen
Factory Fifteen is a UK-based film and animation studio, led by directors Jonathan Gales*, Paul Nicholls, and KibweTavares. Their backgrounds range from architecture (all trained to Masters-level), 3d visualization, engineering, animation, and photography. They translate this to a multi-disciplinary and distinctive approach to filmmaking.
Their creative shorts and artwork have been exhibited around the world in various film festivals such as Onedotzero, Ars Electronica, Alphaville, The Creators Project, Frieze Art Fair, The Whitechapel Gallery, The Royal Academy, Africa International Film Festival, London Short Film Festival, and Sundance. Factory Fifteen has also won 2 architectural 3D awards including 'Best Architectural 3d Film' (Golden Age) and 'Best Architectural 3D Image' (Megalomania) as well as the RIBA Silver medal (Robots of Brixton) in 2011. Their artwork has also been seen in many of the world's leading Architecture, design, and 3D books, magazines, and blogs, including Stash Mag, 3D World, 3D Artist, Dezeen, Creative Web, Evolo, and METLOCUS.
Factory Fifteen creates award-winning and evocative films and animations for a range of clients including The British Film Institute, Channel 4, Samsung, European Land, and Film4.
They continue to explore new methods of visual storytelling in their own creative projects, which are often as thought-provoking as they are visually rich. They share both their vision and expertise, lecturing at several Universities including Oxford Brookes, University College London, and The Architecture Association.
* Gales was hit by a suspected drunk driver in downtown Los Angeles in late 2022.
POST: Studio 4A, 246 Stockwell Road, Brixton, London, SW9 9SP, UK. EMAIL: info@factoryfifteen.com TEL: +44 [0] 7725 986 715
NameJonathan Gales, Paul Nicholls, Kibwe Tavares. Factory Fifteen