


Ecker Architekten, founded in 2000, has offices in Heidelberg and Buchen. The practice provides full architecture, planning and interior design services, with special emphasis on public sector projects. Ecker Architekten is multilingual and multicultural, currently employing staff from 6 countries. Diversity is the practice’s greatest resource and is fundamental to a continuous broadening of design vision.

Dea Ecker (born in Heidelberg, Germany) leads Ecker Architekten, an Architecture and Interior Design practice based in Buchen, Germany. Ecker's projects include the Corporate Headquarters for Holly Hunt, LTD in Chicago, the town halls in Seckach and in Rosenberg, a community center in Zimmern, the Sparkasse in Hettingen, and The House Dandelion Clock, a kindergarten for physically and mentally handicapped children in Buchen.

Ecker earned a Master of Architecture and Urban Planning from the College of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1996, and the degree of Diplom-Ingenieur from the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences in 1991. Ecker was a recipient of two consecutive Fulbright Scholarship grants that allowed her to pursue post-graduate work in the United States. Prior to founding Ecker Architekten, with her partner, Robert Piotrowski in 1998, Ecker worked in the Swiss-based bureau of Suter+Suter in Leipzig, and with Holabird & Root in Chicago.

The work of Ecker has been exhibited at The Chicago Architectural Club, in a traveling exhibit of Beispielhaftes Bauen from the Architectural Association of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany and in a traveling exhibit of new inductees to the Bund Deutscher Architekten. Executed projects have been featured in publications such as Detail, Informationdienst Holz, Glas, [ark], and AIT (Germany), PUU – wood/holz/bois (Finland), Interni (Russia), and Interior Design Magazine in the United States. She has received high honors for her work, including the award of Beispielhaftes Bauen for the Community Center in Zimmern and the Kindergarten Dandelion House in 2007, and the honor of Gutes Bauten from the Bund Deutscher Architekten for the Town Hall in Seckach and the Community Center in Zimmern in 2008. Ecker was inducted into the Bund Deutscher Architeckten (BDA) in 2008, and Ecker Architekten was a nominee for the Hugo Häring Preis in 2009. She has served repeatedly as a juror of architectural competitions in Germany.

In 2010 Ecker received - in conjunction with the architecture students from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago - an Honor Award for Distinguished Building from the Chicago Chapter of the AIA for the Field Chapel in Bödigheim / Germany. She frequently serves as a juror of architectural competitions on educational, administrative and religious buildings.

Ecker was a teaching assistant at the College of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology during 1996-1997. She was a guest critic at IIT in 1999-2000 in Chicago, for the IIT Paris Program in 2008, and worked with students in an IIT design-build studio in the summer of 2009.

Ecker Architekten, fundado en 2000, tiene oficinas en Heidelberg y Buchen. La práctica ofrece servicios completos de arquitectura, planificación e interiorismo, con especial énfasis en proyectos del sector público. Ecker Architekten es multilingüe y multicultural y actualmente emplea personal de 6 países. La diversidad es el mayor recurso de la práctica y es fundamental para una ampliación continua de la visión del diseño.

Dea Ecker (nació en Heidelberg, Alemania) dirige Ecker Architekten, con sede en Buchen, Alemania. Los proyectos de de Ecker incluyen la sede corporativa para Holly Hunt, LTD en Chicago, los ayuntamientos de Seckach y Rosenberg, un centro comunitario en Zimmern, la Sparkasse en Hettingen y The House Dandelion Clock, un jardín de infantes para los niños impedidos físicos y mentales en Buchen.

Ecker obtuvo un Master en Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Facultad de Arquitectura del Instituto de Tecnología de Illinois en 1996, y el grado de Diplom-Ingenieur de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Karlsruhe en 1991. Ecker obtuvo dos subvenciones Becas Fulbright consecutivas que le permitieron proseguir estudios de postgrado en los Estados Unidos. Antes de fundar Ecker Architekten, con su pareja, Robert Piotrowski en 1998, Ecker trabajó en la oficina suiza de Suter + Suter en Leipzig, y con Holabird & Root en Chicago.

En 2010 Ecker recibido - en conjunto con los estudiantes de arquitectura del Instituto de Tecnología de Illinois, Chicago - un Honor Award for Distinguished Building del Chicago Chapter de la AIA por el Field Chapel en Bödigheim / alemania. Con frecuencia es invitada como jurado de concursos de arquitectura de edificios educativos, administrativos y religiosos.

Ecker fue ayudante de cátedra en la Facultad de Arquitectura del Instituto de Tecnología de Illinois durante 1996-1997. Crítico invitado en IIT 1999-2000 en Chicago, para el Programa de París IIT en 2008, y trabajó con los estudiantes en el diseño y construcción del estudio IIT en el verano de 2009.