

Juan Paulo Alarcón Carreño (1980, Talca-Chile). Architect of the School of Architecture University of Talca, Chile (2009), during his training as a student worked as a thesis student and then worked on the project CVC (Ciudad Valle Central) that developed in conjunction UTAL with the MVRVD office, was a finalist the competition for architecture students BIAU (Latin American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism) 2003 Peru with a social housing project. Until 2006, he participated actively in the collective Supersudaca, that same year he founded along with Felipe Alarcón Surco Office (, office with project selected in the last Biennial Chile and has several international publications (Spain, Japan , Korea and Colombia). Currently an international consultant of the journal COAM the Association of Architects of Madrid. Complements the work in Surco with technical advice and investment management.

Surco was founded in 2006 by Juan Paulo and Felipe Alarcón and works from the city of Linares, Chile; The office work has been published in Spain, Japan, Korea, Colombia and Mexico, his work has been selected for the Chilean Architecture Biennale as well as to represent the Country in the Chile Pavilion of the Biennale of Shenzhen and Hong Kong 2011.

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