
5468796 Architecture

5468796 Architecture. It is a 12-person architectural studio based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in the middle of Canada, which, by their own admission, is a remote and conservative place, where it is difficult to convince people of the value of architecture and the project. However, today, a group of ten new studios are challenging the status quo and helping to revive the modern legacy created by the disciples of Wright, Mies and Gropius, who came to the region in the 60s and 70s to help turn the Department of Architecture at the University of Manitoba into one of the most solid modern schools in Canada. 

However, as the studio's founder, Sasa Radulovic, says, "In the last 20 years, the scene has been relatively stagnant," so they propose a renaissance in perspective and in everything they do, from practical teaching to public participation, seeking to raise the profile of architecture. 

Over the years, we have come to understand that the role of the architect requires a more holistic view of practice, and design advocacy is part of this ongoing quest. 5468796 has become a platform for engagement through practice, exhibitions, events and activism, and for the dissemination of knowledge through symposia, teaching and publications.

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  • Name
    Canada. 5468796 Architecture
  • Birth
  • Venue
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
  • Website