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A city that on its surface may contain the following cities: Manhattan, Boston and San Francisco, but with a population of only 750,000. An example of failed suburbia?? A city that calls for "decreasing", delete parts of its own story, to continue…
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Tomorrow, with the lecture by Guillaume Yersin (also participating: Alberto Alarcon and Anna Nufri), will open the SAA 3.0, the third edition of the Architecture Week Alcalá, with the title: "Pilas Alcalaínas. Rehabilitating Energy Dose City" in…
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RECLAIM. Venice Biennale 2010 © 1to100architects. Photograph by Iwan Baan
Time of vintage. , full_html
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Chateau Latour
Tomorrow, with the presence of Anna Nufrio (also involved: Guillaume Yersin and Alberto Alarcón) will open the SAA 3.0, the third edition of the Architecture Week Alcalá, with the title: "Batteries Alcala. Dose Energy Rehabilitate city ​​"in ETSAG,…
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Saturday's musical video. , full_html
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Well, summer ended and winter came. All images shot on the Phantom HD Gold using a custom underwater housing. , full_html
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At present, the acclaimed interviewer and broadcast journalist Charlie Rose engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and roundtable…
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It just opened the show PRINT 2011, a very interesting alternative to large and expensive art fairs. Estampa Multiple Art will feature the work by Carlos Cruz-Díez as the image of the 2011 edition. "It is a representative example of how color, by…
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The project of the new Museum of University of Navarra was presented in Madrid at the headquarters of the ISEM, with the presence of Rafael Moneo (Tudela, Navarra, 1937). The works for construction of the Museum began immediately, the first half of…
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Model detail
They just finished the project execution, resulting in a competition PKMN team was invited in the summer of 2010 and ended up winning. The crisis has paralyzed it, however it is a brilliant project of a young team. The building is the expansion of…
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Night elevation. © PKMN