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Apple will delay the construction of a secondary research and development building campus in an attempt to drive down the cost of developing its new headquarters. The recent reports surfaced that the Foster + Partners-designed with the curved glass…
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Apple Campus Project 2013 by Foster + Partners
EMAF is one of the most influential forums of international Media Art. As a meeting point for artists, curators, distributors, galleries and an audience of experts the festival has a great impact on the topics and aesthetics of Media Art.
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Mécaniques Discursives at EMAF
In an colour exercise, architecture studio BCQ of Barcelona, brings joy to this colorful neighborhood of Badalona. A project that integrates housing and public space and that aims to turn the large rubber mat of its square into a extension of the…
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The Architecture School of Universidad Europea, on Monday April 29, organizes "Manifiestos Ausentes" round table with Beatriz Colomina, Professor of Princeton University, along with architects Andrés Perea, Milla Hernández Pezzi and Nacho Martín.,…
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Beatriz Colomina. Photograph © Job Jansen. Courtesy of EMU
Recuerdo que en 1997, cuando estaba a punto de aprobarse la maravillosa Ley del Suelo, era ministro un señor que luego fue Presidente de Asturias. Recuerdo con qué vehemencia defendía que aquello nos traería el paraíso porque iba a bajar el precio…
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Round down. Long live the LSP!!
A few days ago we published a very interesting project of the german architects Becker architekten, today we want to teach you other one of his works. In this project the architects meet the challenge of to improve the exhibition spaces creating a…
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Competence Centre Glastroesch by Becker Architekten. Photography © Nikolaus Grünwald
Today opens the exhibition of the architect and urbanist Yona Friedman in the Galería Elba Benítez, at 20:00 p.m. We encourage you to visit this exhibition where will be expose a selection of his works, films, drawings and a large-scale sculptural…
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Design realized by Yona Friedman, specific for space of Galería Elba Benítez. Courtesy of Galería Elba Benítez
Taschen surprises us again presenting its latest publication of Architecture Now! Houses volume 3, making a review of the more than 60 houses designed by internationally acclaimed architects and where they have access to the inside of them, a…
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PROJECT ARCHITECT or DESIGNER needed for interior design of a small luxury hotel / residential project. MUST have experience in detailing, coordinating MEP, structural, lighting, millwork. , full_html
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En estos últimos meses hemos ido creciendo y consolidándonos, con noticias muy buenas como llegar a los 9.000 seguidores en Facebook o recibir la felicitación de Linkedin por estar entre el 5% de empresas de todo el mundo más visitadas. Crecimiento…
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