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Last January was presented in the Raquel Ponce Gallery, the video-projection by Taller de Casquería, "Première" which was sponsored by METALOCUS., full_html
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The SOS 4.8 festival of pop and rock is warmed up slowly (below left the official poster and video) and as far as design and architecture already know the results of the competition AKA VIIP to design Festival PRO area. The jury awarded ex aqua the…
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Tomorrow, Friday, February 24, Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad hosts Seminar "Arquitectura e Industria: Construcción Industrializada" in the Circulo de Bellas Artes at Madrid. , full_html
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Today at 19:30 h, this conversation by ENRIQUE SOBEJANO and GUILLERMO VÁZQUEZ CONSUEGRA. "La intervención en el patrimonio arquitectónico: un encuentro", is a series of lectures and discussions on the historical heritage organized by the Foundation…
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The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) awarded the Dutch architect Herman Hertzberger as the Royal Gold Medalist of 2012. , full_html
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Japanese architects Junya "Ishigami + Associates" and Dutch studio "MAKS" have won a competition to co-design a visitor centre for Park Groot Vijversburg, a nineteenth century park in the north of the Netherlands. , full_html
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Gardens around new visitor center
Un buen artículo, de EL PAÍS por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, donde brevemente se explican algunas claves de la trayectoría de Luis Mansilla. "La muerte ayer de uno de los nombres más sólidos de la profesión en España deja huérfano tanto a Emilio Tuñón, su…
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Still not believe it, I just learned of the death in Barcelona of a good friend, Luis Moreno Mansilla. The news is confusing, your body has been found in the hotel I rested after taking part in the presentation of Enric Miralles book that launched…
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Luis Moreno Mansilla
"Modern Tide. Midcentury Architecture on Long Island" brings to mind an impressive list of architects, from Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson to John Hejduk and Marcel Breuer. In this upcoming film, director Jake Gorst pieces together Long…
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OMA partner Ellen van Loon talks about the designing and building of the new building for Rothschild Bank in the City of London., full_html
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Rothschild Bank HQ. Photograph @ by José Juan Barba