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Gary Hustwit is raising money on Kickstarter for his new movie called Urbanized. We just backed the project. Join in? , full_html
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Basic information about the importance of facebook on the internet and, above all, as far as socialization and communication between human beings is occurring. All in a short video. , full_html
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Intrigued by Paul Butler's visualization of Facebook's friendship links Andreas Kaltenbrunner decided to try a similar illustration with data from Tuenti, a large Spanish social networking site we (Yana Volkovich, David Laniado and Dave Currie) are…
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OVNI 2011 aims to exhibit and to reflect upon the different phenomena of dis_reality, their forms and implications, their repercussions and the horizons they illuminates, or recalls. , full_html
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The portrait is one of the central disciplines of art and the topic of the next exhibition at 100 kubik –Raum für spanische Kunst, which takes place from 24th February - 4th April. The exhibition covers the work of contemporary artists who have…
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Stefano Casciani, one of the most influential designers in the world and Deputy Director of Domus design journal, is giving a lecture at IE University. This lecture is part of the "INOUT: affecting architecture, expanding possibilities" series. ,…
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The beauty of seeing work from Japan is that we get to experience two extremes. On one hand we get to see the modern and progressive work typically expressed in retail; simultaneously we also get to admire the tradition and simplicity of the…
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The last issue of the magazine 2G was dedicated to Ábalos+Sentkiewicz. The effort that has been made for years by Gustavo Gili to put out a publication that is thorough and high-quality in both its design and content should be highlighted. It’s even…
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ÁBALOS+SENTKIEWICZ. 2G N.56. Magazine. Gustavo Gili
Tomorrow opens a play of Czech Vaclav Havel "The Unveiling"at the Sala Tarambana. An outstanding play by its current contemporary, 1997. Represented by a young company, "El Si Mágico" and performed by Nüll García, Sofía Novoa, Jose Rubio led by…
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The Barcelona Institute of Architecture present the first BIArch Open Lecture of the Spring 2011 term. The lecture, "Themes and Works", will be delivered by David Adjaye, Visiting Professor at the Barcelona Institute of Architecture and founder and…
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DAVID ADJAYE. Themes and Works