Vertical Urban Factory is a traveling exhibition organized by Nina Rappaport held for the first time in 2011 in New York. Since then it has gone through Detroit, Toronto and London and will be the subject of the next conference organized by MAS Context.
How can we provide spaces for urban manufacturing so that they encourage industries to take root in our cities and thrive? What is the factory of the future? How do the socio-economic-political aspects of manufacturing influence the design of industrial buildings and thus cities?
These are some of the questions adressed by Vertical Urban Factory, which focuses on the production spaces of cities, both modernist and contemporary, and incorporates the architectural, technological and economic factors that shape their design, function and social impact. Nina Rappaport refers to the history of urban factory, focusing on its vertical type, generating new concepts for the future of urban manufacturing and paying attention to the need of creating new paradigms for sustainable, hybrid, and transparent urban industries that also take into account the worker in the city and the new economy.
Venue.- Charnley-Persky House, SSociety of Architectural Historians. 1365 N. Astor Street, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Date.- 22nd of October, 2015
Hour.- 18.30h
Inscription.- Here.