This Virgin movie by Art & Graft was inspired by classic cinema, cult films and mirroring the usual apathy toward safety messages; the six-minute animation travels through a surprising and playful series of genre-based film scenes to convey all the necessary information.
As with any project the film went through various iterations of script, storyboards, designs, content and treatment. All the character animation was produced using a traditional frame-by-frame technique – very labour intensive, especially when creating a 6 minute film, but the results look beautiful and are extremely rewarding.
Elements throughout the film were modelled in 3D; allowing them to ’wrap’ their illustrations around these models to keep the illustrative feel yet giving the scenes fantastic depth and space. This allowed all the camera angles to be planned out and ensure the 2D characters could then be animated in each scene with the addition of further textures and casted shadows.
This approach also allowed the camera to travel around and through the scenes, giving a rich and filmic feel to the animation.
Director creativo Creative Directors.- Clement Bolla & Mike Moloney
Productor.- Producer.- Dom Thompson-Talbot
Productor ejecutivo Executive Producer.- Mike Moloney
Aninación 2D 2D Animation.- Stephen Middleton, Stephen Vuillemin, Jim Wheeler, Joe Sparkes
Animación 3D 3D Animation.- Michaeljohn Day
Composición Compositing.- Clement Bolla, Abel Kohen
Música y diseño de Sonido Music & Sound Design.- Brains & Hunch
Voces Voice-Over.- Morgana Robinson, Ben Roberts
En For Virgin Atlantic.-
Productor Producer.- Leon Trigg
Supervisores de seguridad Safety Supervisors.- Mary Gooding & Jonathan Jasper