This is a follow up to his previous series Time is a Dimension (TIAD). In TIAD, he spliced different time slices into a single print. That was to work within the nature of a physical print. However, in this set of manipulations, I present a medium that is neither a print nor a video. In short, he uses the GIF format (don’t ask me how it is to be pronounced!) to create a looping animation that shows a single landscape / seascape but with a constant shimmer of … time.
The following GIFs flicker, so We do not hold responsibility for any adverse health effects by staring at it for prolonged periods of time.
Shanghai Freeway Sunrise, 2014 (Gif). by Fong Qi Wei.
Chinatown Sunset, 2013 (GIF). By Fong Qi Wei.
Glossy Sunset, 2013 (Gif) by Fong Qi Wei.
Shanghai Oriental Pearl Sunrise, 2014 (GIF) by Fong Qi Wei.
Tanah Lot Sunset 2013 (Gif), by Fong Qi Wei.
Changi Beach Sunrise, 2013 (Gif), by Fong Qi Wei.