This building grows on the topography using concrete as its primary material and features a distinctive exterior facade where wall was purposely punctured by different sized rectangular and square openings, frame the adjacent bay and landscape and generating an ambiguous space between this element and a second facade.
Project description by Felipe Assadi Arquitectos
The house in Bahía Azul is a actitude against gradient ground. Or, rather, it is the synthesis of this posture, a pavilion that inclines to absorb the pendent of the cliff where it is located.
The uses are developed in several semi levels that relate internally - obviously in horizontal, - taking into account that the Housing has two opposing readings: the interior, in which life passes in a more or less conventional space, in which the views are ordered by a series of hollows in a wall outside the closure of the house. And the exterior, in which the piece, synthetic, abstract, constructs place from the tension produced by the diagonal in front of the inalienable horizontality of the sea.
The hollows, from the distance, take on a different relevance to what they would have as a mere window. They deform the piece taking it to an aspect of ruin, without detail, without accessories or developments after the initial synthesis.