The team consisted of three production artists, including lead animator Daniel Callaby and technical director James Bartolozzi, who made it possible for a small team of artists to do all of the visual effects work.
“We approached the VFX for this music video through the lens of an animated feature film workflow, developing custom production tools and software to visualize such a unique story and landscape."
Saad Moosajee
Director & Lead Designer.- Saad Moosajee
Producer.- Reef Oldberg
Executive Producers.- Melodie Saba, Helene Segol
Technical Director.- James Bartolozzi
Lead Animator.- Daniel Callaby
Animator.- Paul Lavau
Designer, Character & Concept Artist.- Chanyu Chen
Designer & Concept Artist.- Zuheng Yin
Dance & Choreography.- Maya Man
Storyboard.- Ming Wang, Bihan Liao
3D Modelers.- Mike Altman, JD Gardner
Texturing.- Pierre Juge
Rigging TD.- Lee Wolland
Houdini Lava Development.- Thomas Marque
Software & Pipeline Engineering.- James Bartolozzi
Motion Capture.- Silver Spoon Animation
Supporting Dancer.- Zhoutong Qi
Typography.- Min Kim
Special Thanks
Sam Mason, Andrew Herzog, Sam Davis, Connor Bailey
Producer.- Reef Oldberg
Executive Producers.- Melodie Saba, Helene Segol
Technical Director.- James Bartolozzi
Lead Animator.- Daniel Callaby
Animator.- Paul Lavau
Designer, Character & Concept Artist.- Chanyu Chen
Designer & Concept Artist.- Zuheng Yin
Dance & Choreography.- Maya Man
Storyboard.- Ming Wang, Bihan Liao
3D Modelers.- Mike Altman, JD Gardner
Texturing.- Pierre Juge
Rigging TD.- Lee Wolland
Houdini Lava Development.- Thomas Marque
Software & Pipeline Engineering.- James Bartolozzi
Motion Capture.- Silver Spoon Animation
Supporting Dancer.- Zhoutong Qi
Typography.- Min Kim
Special Thanks
Sam Mason, Andrew Herzog, Sam Davis, Connor Bailey