During the interview, Navarro Baldeweg reveals the keys to its architecture, faithfully reflected in the sample, with comments from some of the projects in the exhibition.
When contemplating this collection of works, I think it is relevant to establish connections between them, no matter how far in time or different they may be, as if they were part of a zodiac, a ring of constellations, a ring of rings. If we adopt the appropriate perspective, we easily find a common determination, which is the essence and purpose of my work: making space visible, which in its deeper sense is nothing, and sharing that experience. The space lacks qualities. Its properties are explained by what happens in it: light in light; support in gravitation and balances; the expanded body, the hand in space; doing and undo ing, the conscience of building, which is also destroying... and by our experience linked to those essential coordinates in which things are harbored. A common determination governs the interrelation among paintings, projects, sculptures and installations, and goes and is transferred from one work to another.
Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Exhibition catalog.
More information about the exhibition here.