The complex is accessed through an access arch where a system of joists and vaults was integrated, where the spaces dedicated to users and facilities are located, from there, you access the two stables. For the set of stables, a single-slope roof system was implemented that allows for the generation of large open spaces and high heights that will promote proper air circulation, thus generating a perfect space for the horses to rest.

Equestrian San Ramón by Modica Ledezma. Photograph by Zaickz Moz.
Description of project by Módica Ledezma
Equestrian San Ramón is a space immersed in the forest of Valle de Bravo, State of Mexico, designed by the Módica Ledezma office. The design intentions focused on leaning towards a materiality that exalts simplicity, providing a geometric order that sought to benefit from the natural environment to solve an equestrian program within a set with different correctly articulated functions.
For this project, the ocher tones stand out and contrast with the abundant vegetation; It was decided to use wood, clay tiles, red bricks, as well as steel beams and corten cancelling.
In addition, for the stables, a single-pitched roof system was implemented that would allow for the generation of wide open spaces and high heights that will promote correct air circulation; this gesture opens a longitudinal window– which does not close completely– towards the north with a benign orientation. Each stable building works interdependently with each other, adapting to the topographic slope where, despite their scale, and thanks to the use of materials such as steel and glass, they communicate lightness and flexibility.
Equestrian San Ramón by Modica Ledezma. Photograph by Zaickz Moz.
The route begins with an access arch where a joist and vault system was integrated where, on the one hand, it opens the way to a service module with laundry, bale warehouse, workshop, isolation and veterinary stables, and on the other hand, it continues with a small parking lot towards the stables where there are several bedrooms, a meeting room and dining room.
Subsequently, perpendicularly, the main nave is revealed where Stables 01 is located, which extends to Stables 02 and connects with a central tapanco area, where you also enter. The second stable nave opens onto a corral that connects and mirrors the stables of the main nave. In addition, the complex has four corrals and a walker for the horses.
The search for comfort, openness, shelter and fluidity were the main axes within a country environment with a border of oak trees as a visual finishing touch. The buildings function with a constructive logic of pieces that fulfill utilitarian functions first, and as a consequence the product is a harmonious organism of diagonal, staggered, vertical, rigid and stylized geometries that work together as a unit for human and animal enjoyment.