© Mark Jenkins
Jenkins creates and sets free a colorful cast of characters by way of clear tape casts: The homeless, kids, beggars, polar bears, and horses (to name but a few) all take their place in the wild, wild urban space, while interacting with the surrounding buildings and public places that provide the context and set the stage. Disturbing, humorous, and enigmatic in equal measures, Mark Jenkins enlists his hyper-realistic sculptures into the service of, for example, Greenpeace, as well as for exhibitions, performances, art galleries, and workshops.
"Glazed Paradise. Sculptures and Photography by Mark Jenkins"
Date: January 19, 2012 - February 26, 2012
Location: Gestalten Space, Sophie-Gips-Höfe, Sophienstraße 21, 10178 Berlin
Vernisage: January 19, 2012, 18:30 - 21:00