"a collection of over 1,700 photographs that, combined into six panoramas, look like complete images in themselves. They have a total resolution of 40 gigapixels. You are invited to take a look through them and to literally travel through Madrid thanks to our videos and interactive graphics, as well as to share any of them on social networks."
Photography and coordination
Adriano Morán
Alberto Aranguren
Antonio Pasagali
The technical process is as follows: A motor moves the camera step by step in rows from left to right. Then these images put together digitally to create an illusion of unity and strength. He later returns to chop into thousands of pieces that are loaded as it expands the image. It is important to note that these are photographs of space but also of time: Since the camera begins taking hundreds of catches in the upper left until it terminates at the lower right can take tens of minutes.
So what happens at one end of a picture-especially the light-different from what happens on the opposite side. This is clearly seen in the photograph daytime Gómez Ulla.
They offer visitors the following address for making any complaint, suggestion or request deletion of people or areas of the photo: megafoto@dixired.com