The animation was develop by a team of five students from Motion Picture in Arles (MOPA), a computer graphics school focusing on 3D animation. The team worked on an impressive graduation movie, HYBRIDS.
The better way to begin a career is becoming recipients of many awards. For Florian Brauch, Romain Thirion, Yohan Thireau, Matthieu Pujol, and Kim Tailhades, this dream was a reality when they picked up the Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project award for their short film, Hybrids, at the 16th Annual VES Awards.
The better way to begin a career is becoming recipients of many awards. For Florian Brauch, Romain Thirion, Yohan Thireau, Matthieu Pujol, and Kim Tailhades, this dream was a reality when they picked up the Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project award for their short film, Hybrids, at the 16th Annual VES Awards.
The resulting film, Hybrids, explores the impact of pollution on the oceans and how marine wildlife is forced to adapt to its changing surroundings in order to survive.
The concept was inspired by the sights Romain Thirion - now a character artist at Double Negative - saw on his diving trips: “As time went by, he started to notice more and more pollution on the underwater ground”, says Florian Brauch, former project member and now animator at Framestore.
“This idea remained in his mind when he began creating the characters: he started to draw hybrids of fish and garbage. That’s when he first came up with the design of the shark-car and the crabs-caps. Seeing those amazing designs, the team started to build itself.”