The book will be presented on Monday, February 27 at the COAC (Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña) from 19:30 hours.
The book includes an article by Elina Vilá that presents the unpublished project of Coderch, La Herencia, along with its documentation. The book in turn is part of a research promoted by Minim around the figure of Coderch.
Descripción of the book
Recordando a Coderch is an approximation to the figure of the Catalan architect José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat (Barcelona, 1913 - Espolla, 1984) from interviews with people who knew him or worked with him.
Coderch was one of the main responsible for the local post-war architecture to open to contemporary international trends.
It is a choral portrait that demonstrates the imprint that Coderch left in the later architecture.
The book also includes some of Coderch's most innovative and visionary projects: La Herencia, an investigation into the flexibility of houseplants to be able to adapt to the changing needs of families.