Description of project by CF Møller
’Storkeengen’ (Stork Meadow) is a new landscape project that, like an architectural multi-tool, creates cloudburst and storm flood protection, strengthens urban nature and brings the town of Randers even closer to the Gudenå River. In cooperation with Orbicon, C.F. Møller Landscape has developed the project for Randers Municipality and Vandmiljø Randers.
The project's technical climate protection solutions are based on strengthening the nature value and functionality of the wetland meadow. Using new cloudburst routes through Vorup, rainwater is led from roofs, car parks and roads in Vorup to Storkeengen, where the water is filtered in purification basins designed as natural wetland meadow areas, before being led on into the Gudenå River. A new dyke between Storkeengen and the Gudenå will ensure good purification of the rainwater and also protect the low-lying parts of Vorup from flooding due to storms. The dyke will also create new pathways between the centre of Randers and the nature areas to the west. Nature conservation is helping to enhance the nature experience and to put focus on how urban nature and urban life can be combined. This holistic approach creates a landscape solution that ensures both climate protection and urban and nature development.
The whole town’s project
Storkeengen is a result of dedicated cooperation between Randers Vandmiljø, Randers Municipality and the advisers C.F. Møller Landscape and Orbicon. Moreover, local citizens, stakeholders and future users have also helped to shape the project through various forms of involvement. This has ensured diversity for users’ opportunities and understanding of the Gudenå's unique nature resources.
“We’re looking forward to achieving ‘Storkeengen’ in cooperation with Randers Municipality, Randers Vandmiljø and Orbicon. The project is a perfect example of C.F. Møller Landscape’s holistic approach, whereby we combine climate protection with urban and nature development,” says Lasse Vilstrup Palm, associate partner and head of C.F. Møller Landscape.
With innovative climate solutions and a strong vision, ’Storkeengen’ is thereby helping to strengthen Randers as an attractive riverside town by combining climate protection, nature value and urban development. In future, people will be able to experience Storkeengen’s unique nature types, fauna and changing appearance, enjoy sunsets at the waterside, or go canoeing on the Gudenå River.
Pioneering project
With ’Storkeengen’, Vandmiljø Randers and Randers Municipality are demonstrating how climate adjustment combined with water purification and information about nature can help to create an attractive nature park for the people of Randers. In the initial phase, in close collaboration with Orbicon, C.F. Møller Landscape undertook the development of wetland meadow areas, cloudburst routes, recreational facilities, information about nature, and the involvement and communication process. Now a contract has just been established with Orbicon and C.F. Møller Landscape to supplement these services with project design, tendering and supervision of the project.
City to the Water
Like many other towns in Denmark, and the rest of the world, Randers is threatened by the effects of climate change. In Randers, the challenge lies in the town’s low-lying position in relation to the Gudenå River and the fjord, which requires climate adjustment measures that can protect the town from the effects of future climate change. The is the basis for the town’s overall vision of 'the City to the Water’, with ’Storkeengen’ in Vorup as the first project to be achieved. For many years, this area of the town has been challenged by flooding due to extreme amounts of rain and rising water levels in the Gudenå River.