KAAN Architecten completes the Visitor Center at the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten, a village and a former municipality in the southeastern part of the Netherlands.

The practice was commissioned by the American Battle Monuments Commission to design a Visitor Center for the only American Cemetery on Dutch soil. A former municipality Margraten, on 1 January 2011  merged with a neighbouring one, which resulted in the new Eijsden-Margraten municipality.

Guided by the landscape setting and the monumental atmosphere of the site, the building complements the serenity of this vast memorial.
KAAN Architecten positioned the new building at a respectful distance from the monumental complex, maintaining the original concept of the place and preserving its atmosphere. NEAC Margraten was originally designed by American landscape architect Michael Rapuano, sculptor Joseph Kiselewski and the architecture firm Coolidge, Sheply, Bulfinch, and Abbott, in collaboration with local architect Alphons Boosten from Maastricht.

In commissioning the Visitor Centre, the ABMC also demanded that the new building be an integral part of the monument, referring to the entire complex, including the landscaped burial ground and the Court of Honor within it. Karres' proposals in Brands Landscape Architecture and Urbanism helped integrate the structure into the landscape.

Netherlands American Cemetery Visitor Center by KAAN Architecten. Photograph by Simon Menges.

Netherlands American Cemetery Visitor Center by KAAN Architecten. Photograph by Simon Menges.

Descripción del proyecto por KAAN Architecten

Ubicado en las colinas de Heuvelland en Limburgo, cerca de Maastricht, el Cementerio Americano de los Países Bajos (NEAC) es uno de los 26 cementerios administrados por la Comisión Estadounidense de Monumentos de Batalla (ABMC). Aunque el duelo disminuye con el paso del tiempo, existe una necesidad renovada de fomentar y cultivar la conciencia sobre el impacto duradero de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En el mundo actual de creciente conflicto internacional e incertidumbre, el Centro de Visitantes es una forma importante de conmemorar a los enterrados en el sitio y de aprender sobre la dinámica que condujo a la liberación de Europa. Esta intervención no resta valor a las características monumentales, pero complementa arquitectónicamente el paisaje del cementerio con estilo y dignidad.

NEAC Margraten fue proyectado originalmente por el paisajista estadounidense Michael Rapuano, el escultor Joseph Kiselewski y el estudio de arquitectura Coolidge, Sheply, Bulfinch y Abbott, en colaboración con el arquitecto local Alphons Boosten de Maastricht. KAAN Architecten optó por colocar el nuevo edificio a una distancia respetuosa del conjunto monumental, manteniendo el plan original del sitio y preservando su atmósfera tranquila. Los diseños de Karres en Brands Landscape Architecture and Urbanism ayudaron a integrar la estructura en el paisaje.

Al encargar el Centro de Visitantes, la ABMC también exigió que el nuevo edificio fuera una parte integral del monumento, refiriéndose a todo el conjunto, incluido el campo de entierro ajardinado y el Tribunal de Honor dentro del mismo. El Centro de Visitantes, con su plaza de entrada definida por filas de asientos de piedra, reclama su propio espacio en el escenario coreografiado escénicamente, pero se integra armoniosamente en el conjunto mayor.

Centro de visitantes del cementerio americano de los Países Bajos por KAAN Architecten. Fotografía de Simón Menges.

Centro de visitantes del cementerio americano de los Países Bajos por KAAN Architecten. Fotografía de Simón Menges.

La plaza y el camino están empotrados en el paisaje y se inclinan suavemente hacia abajo. El lento descenso lleva al visitante hasta la marquesina protectora del Centro de Visitantes, que está hecha de estéticas capas de hormigón. Vista desde la distancia, esta fascia de hormigón parece flotar sobre el suelo, negando una sensación de escala. En el interior, las rendijas de luz y las esquinas redondeadas realzan la percepción de amplitud.

Ubicado dentro del marco de la imposta, el edificio está hundido en el paisaje inclinado, con el piso descansando debajo del nivel del suelo. Las paredes de vidrio ofrecen una perspectiva panorámica única, permitiendo a los visitantes contemplar la topografía típica del entorno y los árboles dispersos desde un punto de vista más bajo.

En el centro de la estructura, las paredes forman un cuadrado de 12 x 12 m que soporta el peso de la imposta. Dentro de esta plaza hay un auditorio, revestido con paneles de cálido nogal americano, así como áreas de servicio y baños, mientras que las paredes exteriores de la plaza brindan espacio para exposiciones. Con artefactos originales e historias personales, la exposición presenta la realidad y el sacrificio de la guerra, fomenta la reflexión sobre las lecciones del pasado y enfatiza la importancia de trabajar por un futuro estable y pacífico.

El distinguido pero acogedor Centro de Visitantes es una mejora arquitectónica del Cementerio Americano de los Países Bajos y ofrece a los visitantes un lugar especial para aprender y reflexionar en medio de la tranquilidad del paisaje circundante.

More information

KAAN Architecten (Kees Kaan, Vincent Panhuysen, Dikkie Scipio).
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Project team
Rita Alessio, Alessandro Arcangeli, Bas Barendse, Alice Colombo, Thomas Hagemeijer, Kees Kaan, Adam Kelly, Nicki van Loon, Edoardo Mancini, Alexis Oh, Vincent Panhuysen, Dikkie Scipio, Frane Stancic.
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Landscape designer.- Karres + Brands landschapsarchitecten B.V., Hilversum.
Structural designer and supervisor.- Pieters Bouwtechniek, Delft.
Civil designer and supervisor.- Smits Rinsma, Zutphen.
Mechanical and electrical designer and supervisor.- HP Engineers, Gent.
Building physics supervisor.- DGMR, The Hague.
Fire safety engineer.- DGMR, The Hague.
Acoustics advisor.- DGMR, The Hague.
Building costs advisor.- B3 Bouwadviseurs, Wassenaar.
Site coordination supervisor.- INEX Architecten, Maastricht.

Structural engineer.- DeClerk & Partners, Waregem.
Structural engineer contractor.- C.T. de Boer, Nieuwegein.
Mechanical engineer.- Deltha, Diepenbeek.
Electrical engineer.- Maris, Heusden-Zolder.
Civil engineer.- Dirix, Elsloo.
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American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC).
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General contractor
Groep Van Roey, Rijkevorsel.
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GFA.- 600 sqm.
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Design phase.- June 2018 – September 2020.
Construction phase.- January 2022 – May 2023.
Opening.- December 2023.
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Amerikaanse Begraafplaats 1, 6269 NA Margraten, Netherlands.
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Simon Menges.
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KAAN Architecten is a Dutch architectural firm based in Rotterdam, São Paulo, and Paris, with over 30 years of experience in a wide range of scales and typologies. Kees Kaan, Vincent Panhuysen and Dikkie Scipio founded KAAN Architecten in 2014.

Through a collaborative and analytical design approach, KAAN Architecten promotes quality, pragmatism, and the Dutch building traditions of sustainability and welfare. This is further refined by merging practical and academic expertise, which supports their response to the increasingly challenging complexities and contradictions of the built environment.

Led by Kees Kaan, Vincent Panhuysen and Dikkie Scipio, the firm comprises an international team of architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers, and graphic designers. KAAN Architecten believes that cross-pollination between projects and disciplines fosters the essential critical discourse within the firm.

Since its establishment, KAAN Architecten has engaged in a diverse array of projects within both the public and private sectors. Over time, project teams have evolved to become progressively multidisciplinary and dynamic. Their unwavering focus is on fostering a culture of continual evolution, recognising this paramount approach in a profession that undergoes rapid transformation.

At the heart of KAAN Architecten’s philosophy is the belief that all projects acquire distinctive character through an architecturally curated layered dialogue involving all stakeholders. This approach extends to developing enduring relationships with clients, consultants, and partners. In this collaborative journey, each project becomes an opportunity for meaningful engagement, achieving architectural solutions that resonate with the diverse voices and perspectives involved.

· From 1988 until 2013, Kees Kaan was the founding partner of Claus en Kaan Architecten. Kaan graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft in 1987. Since 2006 he has been a professor of Architectural Design at TU Delft and initiator of the Complex Projects Chair, launched in 2012. The Chair's research focuses on large-scale projects that characterise this era of rapid global urbanisation. In 2019 Kaan was appointed Chairman of the Architecture Department. Moreover, he has been a Principal Investigator at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) since 2016. Kees Kaan is a lecturer and member of various juries and boards in the Netherlands and abroad. Numerous books and exhibitions have been dedicated to his body of work. In June 2024, Kees Kaan was officially inducted as a member of the Académie d'Architecture.

· Vincent Panhuysen brings expertise and vision to each project he undertakes. His impact on the architectural landscape is profound, with a diverse portfolio encompassing court buildings, university centres, governmental and cultural institutions, crematoriums, and apartment complexes. Panhuysen's approach to design is marked by a deep commitment to the entire process, from conceptualisation to construction. While he values functionality and clarity, his architectural ethos transcends passing trends, emphasising a timeless elegance rooted in relaxed functionalism. Central to his design philosophy is a dedication to creating spaces that prioritise spaciousness and clear organisation, hallmarks evident in the work of KAAN Architecten. His role as a visiting professor at Delft University of Technology further underscores his commitment to shaping the future of architecture through education and mentorship. For his special and careful guidance in the renovation of the Provinciehuis of North-Brabant, Vincent Panhuysen was awarded the "Commissarispenning", a medal of merit from the Commissioner of the King Wim van de Donk, in 2015.

· Dikkie Scipio has been trained in various disciplines. She holds a master’s degree in applied arts, industrial, and interior design from the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague and afterwards qualified as an architect at the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture. Simultaneously, she owned a gallery in Amsterdam and a design studio in Utrecht. Scipio’s training allows her to lead work, ranging from large-scale master plans in urbanism and architecture to furniture and interior design, from the initial concept to execution. She is an expert in managing complex projects and processes, with a particular focus on museums and heritage renovation. Scipio is also a writer, columnist, international lecturer, and a member of several boards and juries. As a spokeswoman for integrated art and craftsmanship in architecture, her views have been featured in many publications and documentaries. Since 2019, she has been a professor at the Münster University of Applied Sciences, where she holds a chair in Architectural Design. In 2023 Dikkie Scipio was recognised as Woman Architect of the Year by the Prix des Femmes Architectes.

KAAN Architecten ©Casper Rila

Read more
Published on: December 11, 2023
Cite: "Floating above the ground. Netherlands American Cemetery Visitor Center by KAAN Architecten" METALOCUS. Accessed
<http://www.metalocus.es/en/news/floating-above-ground-netherlands-american-cemetery-visitor-center-kaan-architecten> ISSN 1139-6415
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