First phase of the Llano Amarillo building complex. UCA-SEA Innovation Center by Estudio Carbajal

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Estudio Carbajal SLP. Lead architects.- José A. Carbajal Navarro, Nicolás Carbajal Ballell, Rodrigo Carbajal Ballell.

Architect.- Fernando Moreno Humanes.
Technical Architect.- Jesús Bozzo Fernández, Manuel Ballester Diana.
Facilities.- Miguel Sibón.
Structure calculation.- Edartec.
Architecture Students.- José Anelo Romero, Juan Tuñón Espinosa.
1,895.63 sqm.
Project.- 2021.
Construction.- 2022-2023.
11202 Algeciras, Cádiz, Spain.
Schüco, Toshiba, Schako, Haier, Gradhermetic, Dibond.

José A. Carbajal Navarro, Nicolás Carbajal Ballell, Rodrigo Carbajal Ballell. Estudio Carbajal

Estudio Carbajal is made up of José Antonio Carbajal Navarro and his sons, Nicolás and Rodrigo Carbajal Ballell since 2001.

José Antonio Carbajal Navarro is an Architect from the E.T.S. of Architecture of Seville and a professor assigned to the Department of Architectural Projects of the same during the period 1968-1989, a stage in which he shared this activity with some forays into the professional field. His children are both Doctors and professors in the Department of Architectural Projects of the ETSAS.

In 1990 he was awarded the Andalusian Culture Prize for the Defense of the Historical-Artistic Heritage for the rehabilitation of the Falla Theater in Cádiz. After leaving teaching, he works both alone and in collaboration, developing projects promoted by Public Administrations He has participated in exhibitions and Biennials such as those of Spanish Architecture, the Mostra Internazionale de Architettura of Venice or the Ibero-American Biennial, among others. In 1997 he received the Award for Best Professional Work convened by the Official College of Architects of Western Andalusia for the work Nuevo Seminario de Sevilla. In 2003 he was named Curator Architect of the Real Maestranza Bullring in Seville, a position he continues to hold today. In 2021 he was named Academic of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Santa Isabel of Hungary and in 2022, he was awarded the Andalusia Architecture Prize, for his consolidated career.



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