EU Mies 2024 Awards for spaces for culture, a university pavilion and a library

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Gustav Düsing

Gustav Düsing studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and the Architectural Association in London and is a registered architect in Berlin.

His studio is based on constantly exploring, experimenting, and tweaking space, material, and structure to find new ways for architecture to respond to current environmental and socio-political challenges.

He has participated in numerous art and architecture exhibitions including the first ever Antarctic Biennale (2017). His work has been award with the 2023 German Architecture Prize (state prize), the 2020 Rome Prize for Architecture and in 2020/21 Gustav Düsing was an Artist in Residence at the German Academy in Rome, Villa Massimo.

Since 2015 he has taught at different Universities including, the TU Braunschweig, UDK Berlin and in 2021 he was appointed visiting Professor at the University Roma Tre. In 2022 Gustav Düsing was co-teaching a design studio at Cornell University AAP.

Max Hacke. Büro Hacke

Büro Hacke is a collaborative architecture studio based in Berlin and founded in 2016 by Max Hacke. His work covers a wide range of sectors from educational buildings for public clients to residential projects and housing for private clients. Additionally, they engage in cultural projects, research and exhibition, and furniture design, understanding architecture as a collaborative effort between project partners, clients, and consultants in an attempt to formulate an artistic, sustainable, and realistic ambition for each project.

Max Hacke (1986) is an architect based in Berlin. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart and as a fellow at the Architectural Association in London. After graduating in 2013, he worked in various London offices. Not only in practice but also in teaching and research, he focuses on the role of architecture in shaping new social and collective dynamics. His conceptual focus is on the variability and flexibility of architecture, as well as a tendency to understand architecture as a process rather than as an object.
Max Hacke has been awarded the German Architecture Prize 2023 and is nominated for the DAM Preis 2024 and the EU Mies van der Rohe Prize 2024.

Elena Orte, Guillermo Sevillano. SUMA Arquitectura

SUMA arquitectura is an international studio based in Madrid, founded and led by Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano in 2005. It is formed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals who participate in the design process: architects, engineers, agronomists, landscape architects, experts in sustainability, architectural communication, sociologists, etc. They produces singular architectures that challenge the limits of traditional architecture.

Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano are rchitects graduated from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSAM), Master in Advanced Architectural Design from the same school and from Columbia University in New York, respectively. They are currently professors at the Escuela Politécnica ETSA in Madrid and at the IAAC in Barcelona. They has participated in different exhibitions (IFEMA Madrid Fair, Matadero, EMVS, Fresh Madrid) and conferences in New York, Beijing, Austria, Turkey, Australia, Luxembourg, Latvia.

They has won several national and international competitions including the Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona, the Library and Multipurpose Center of Fuerteventura (both called by municipalities), 91 public housing units in San Francisco Javier and 73 public housing units in San Sebastián de los Reyes (both for the municipal housing and land company of Madrid). They have also been selected and awarded prizes in competitions such as the Helsinki Central Library and the Verín Arts Center in Galicia. Also they has exhibitions (IFEMA Madrid Fair, Matadero, EMVS, Fresh Madrid) and conferences in New York, Beijing, Austria, Turkey, Australia, Luxembourg, Latvia. Recently, the Gabriel García Márquez Library received the NAN award for best equipment/large infrastructure.



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