Articulated on platforms with diffuse limits. Onze House by Cadaval & Solà-Morales

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Cadaval & Solà-Morales. Architects.- Eduardo Cadaval, Clara Sola-Morales.
Structural calculation.- Manel Fernández (Bernuz-Fernández).
550 sqm.


CADAVAL & SOLÀ-MORALES was founded in New York City in 2003 and moved to both Barcelona & Mexico City in 2005. The studio operates as a laboratory in which research and development are key elements of the design process. The objective of the firm is to create intelligent design solutions at many different scales, from large projects to small buildings, from objects to city fractions.

The studio has won numerous awards including the prestigious Bauwelt Prize (Munich 2009), the Young Architects Prize from the Catalan Institute of Architects (Barcelona 2008), the Design Vanguard Award (New York 2008), a Mention of Honor for Young Architects from the IX Spanish Architecture Biennale (Madrid 2007), The Silver Medal of the XI Mexican Architecture Biennale (Mexico 2010) and the Prize of the Ibero American Architecture Biennale (Cadiz 2012).

EDUARDO CADAVAL is a licensed architect with a BA from the National University of Mexico (with special honours) and a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard University.

He is associate professor of Urbanism at the Barcelona School of Architecture, ETSAB, UPC. Visiting Professor at University of Pennsylvania, and at Calgary University's Barcelona program. Eduardo was awarded with the National Council for the Arts Young Creators Awards, from the Mexican government.

CLARA SOLÁ-MORALES is a licensed architect with a degree in Architecture from the Barcelona's School of Architecture, ETSAB, UPC, and holds a Master in Architecture (MArch II) from Harvard University. She is an associate professor at the Barcelona School of Architecture, ETSAB, UPC.

She has been associate professor at the school of Architecture at the Rovira y Virgili University, as well as professor and Head of Graduate Studies at the Barcelona Institute of Architecture (BIArch).  She is a PhD candidate for the Barcelona School of Architecture, ETSAB, UPC.




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