A building with bamboo and nipa's roof incorporating local craftsmanship. Alfa Omega School by RAW Architecture

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RAW Architecture
Architect in Charge
Realrich Sjarief
Design Team
Alifian Kharisma, Miftahuddin Nurdayat, Larasati Ramadhina, Septrio Effendi, Rimba Harendana, Satria Triwardhana, Tatyana Kusumo, Fakhriyyah Khairunnida’, Rifandi Septiawan Nugroho, Bambang Priyono.
Project Manager.- Endang Syamsudin Structure Engineer.- John Djuhaedi. MEP.- Bambang Priyono, Slamet Karim. Bamboo Master.- Amud Quantity Surveyor.- Abidin, Sarip, Sakum Plumbing.- Hamim hamin Manufacturers.- Alexindo, Dekson.
Lisa Sanusi of PKBM Alfa Omega
Sudjatmiko and Singgih Suryanto
3000.0 m²
Dates Fechas
Project Year.- 2017 Año de proyecto.- 2017

Realrich Sjarief R A W Architecture

R A W Architecture. Realrich Sjarief established R A W Architecture in 2011. He reestablished the long history of craftsmanships in his builder’s family that has been lasted for 3 generations, 60 years of practice since Indonesia Independence. At that time the practice has no name. The relationship between the supervisors and labours was intimate and personal to service some clients. The practice is well known on trust, quality, and its authentic design innovation in the mastery of building construction in Indonesia.

In addition to his design contributions with R A W, he is a contributor to national and international publications. He is also a Guest Lecturer at the University of Pelita Harapan in Karawaci, Indonesia and visiting professor for several  universities in Indonesia. He is currently running fellowship which has been attracting 50 people per year in South East Asia to learn architecture from basic to more layers of architecture craftsmanship. He is also currently leading architecture course and OMAH architecture free school which nurture young people to appreciate and learning architecture comprehensively. Furthermore, in the current stream, RAW proceeds from the construction excellence are used to sustain the programs and activities of the future of craftsmen in Indonesia, including scholarships for the builder to maintain craftsmanship among the generations. The book, Alpha: Never-Ending Discussion in Strange Library of Architecture, conveys the message that there are multiple layers for architecture making and appreciation which have been shaping our culture.

He worked for Norman Foster, well known for integration of Building and Technology. He graduated from Insitute Technology of Bandung, and University of New South Wales which he was awarded International Planning Workshop Award. He was involved in several projects such as Masdar Carbon Zero City, YTL Headquarters in Malaysia, and Baku, Azerbaijan TOD linkage. Over the last ten years, he has been involved in major projects throughout Abu Dhabi, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Karachi, Azerbaijan Incheon, Philippines and Vietnam.

RAW has grown reputations on winning 16 International and National Architecture design awards including prestigious National Gallery of Indonesia. He has worked for more than 300 Architectural projects and 110 open and limited competitions ranged from small scale product design to large scale mixed use development and master planning of more than 200 hectares of development. In 2012, his work, Bare Minimalist was nominated for IAI Jakarta Award. In 2015, National Gallery of Indonesia was nominated for IAI Jakarta Recognition Award. Currently his works, Akanaka and The guild are nominated as IAI Jakarta Award 2017.



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