According to the Jury, the proposal of the Gastropabellón, by means of a stylistic restraint and a respectful implantation with the environment, presents a precise and close relationship between architectural form and material constitution, with a clear, simple and flexible functional organization, and a comfortable interior ambience and welcoming, uniting the domestic and sensitive to the perception of the panorama.
The Jury also awarded an honorable mention to the New Monongue Paramedic Hospital projects in the Republic of Angola by Patricio Martínez González and Maximià Torruella Castel and the Center for Culture and Congresses - CKK Jordanki in Torun, Poland by Fernando Martín Menis.
In the category of International Contest Project, the Jury has awarded the first prize ex-aequo to the following proposals.-
- New wing of the Contemporary Art of Mali of the Art Museum of Lima in Peru by Francisco Burgos Ruiz and Ginés Garrido Colmenero - Burgos & Garrido Associated Architects, LLAMA Urban Design, Mariana Leguía and Angus Laurie.
- Learning Center at the Paris Saclay University Campus by José Morales Sánchez, Sara de Giles Dubois, Laurent Beaudouin and Emmanuelle Beaudouin - MGM, Morales de Giles Arquitectos + Beaudouin Architectes.
The Jury has assessed, among other issues, that both proposals were winners of the contests corresponding to those presented, as well as its camouflaged integration that respects the surrounding conditions in the case of the Mali Contemporary Art Wing and the roundness of the image of the building in a conspicuous and committed location in the case of the Learning Center.
In addition, in the category of Urbanism the Jury has awarded the first prize to
- Cuenca Red Plan, Historic Center in Ecuador by José Luis Vallejo Mateo and Belinda Tato Serrano - Urban Ecosystem.
Assessing its exhaustive and ingenious previous work of investigation and analysis, the members of the jury have highlighted its pragmatic aspect with small-scale actions feasible in the short term and very detailed considering practical and technical aspects.
Likewise, he has also given an honorable mention to the project of Recovery of the Maritime Front of Rio de Janeiro: Prefeito Luiz Orla de Joan Ignasi Riera - A B Riera Arquitectes Associats, SLP.
The categories of Associate Company Award and Internationalization Support Award have been abandoned.
The Jury of the 2017 Spanish International Architecture Award was chaired by Jordi Ludevid i Anglada, presidente del CSCAE, and composed by Francisco Javier Martín Ramiro, subdirector general del Arquitectura y Edificación, de la Dirección General de Arquitectura, Vivienda y Suelo del Ministerio de Fomento, Marta Vall-llosera Ferrán, Consejera del CSCAE por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de las Islas Baleares, Carlos Miranda Barroso, Consejero del CSCAE por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Castilla y León-Este, José Antonio Ortiz Orueta, Consejero del CSCAE por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Extremadura, Rafael Pardo Prefasi, Consejero del CSCAE por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Murcia, Matxalen Acasuso Atuxta (por videoconferencia), Consejera del CSCAE por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro, todos ellos designados por el Pleno del CSCAE, Celestino García Braña, vicepresidente de la Fundación Docomomo Ibérico, Angela García de Paredes, en representación de la Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad, Carlos Gómez Agustí, en representación de la Fundación Arquía, Manuel Blanco Lage, director de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, y además, Eloy Algorri García, secretario general del CSCAE, who has acted as secretary of the jury.