

Team_BLDG, founded in Shanghai in 2012 by Xiao Lei and Wang Jin is a team that works with architecture, interior, landscape and product.

The two founders of the studio consider the word “BLDG” more of a verb than noun, which represents the whole process from design to construction; The conclusion of the design stage equals only another starting point of architects’ work. Instead of demostrating stylish concept, TEAM_BLDG emphasises on the atmospheric sense of the space, interior and exterior.

Xiao Lei, focuses, through years of design practice, on the low-tech strategy of construction and local traditional culture, seeking spatial responses to urban and rural problems in natural and cultural environment. Xiao was committed many projects to restore, reuse and reurpose old buildings, through which he kept exploring how to use both modern and traditional technologies to reinterpreate spatially the old enviornment, also in a spiritual sense. In addition to visual experience, atmosphere, temperature, touch and spiritual resonance are the deep beauty that his works pursue.Xiao’s works were awarded and shortlisted in multiple international awards,

Wang Jin, focuses on the creation of atmospheric space with local materials, and the expression of proper scale with simpler forms. Her works have been awarded and shortlisted in many international awards such as The American Master Architect Award, the German Iconic Design Award and so on.She have been reported by many professional media such as The Architectural Review, IDEAT, ELLEDECORATION and so on. In addition to her design practice, Wang is also active in the field of design research and criticism; She has written special reports for magazines such as ELLEMEN and AD as well as new media; Precedently she also worked as a reporter for Art and Design and 21st Century Business Herald.

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  • Name
    Xiao Lei, Wang Jin. Team_BLDG
  • Birth
  • Venue
    Shanghai, China.
  • Website