
Tabuenca y Leache Arquitectos

Tabuenca & Leache, Arquitectos have developed, since the establishment of the office, a wide variety of projects and public and private works, from public architecture (administrative, industrial buildings...), other urban projects and even dwellings.

They have received large recognitions for their work: Awards and short-listed from the Colegio de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro in almost every edition, Award and short-listed Hyspalit for the best bricked architecture, Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid Award, Ayuntamiento de Madrid Award, Consejo Superior de Arquitectura de España, Ministerio de Cultura Award, Fundación FAD and Mies Van der Rohe Fundation... They have also won first prizes in several project contests.

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  • Name
    Fernando Tabuenca González - Jesús Leache Resano Tabuenca y Leache Arquitectos