
SLAS architects

SLAS architects is a studio based in Katowice, Poland, and directed by co-founders and lead architects Aleksander Bednarski (b.1975) and Mariusz Komraus (b.1976).

Aleksander Bednarski.-
2001 Silesian Univeristy of Technology / Faculty of Architecture and Town Planing / Gliwice / Poland
2003-2004 Archistudio Studniarek+Pilinkiewicz / Katowice/ Poland
2004-2007 HKR / Dublin / Ireland
2007-2008 Douglas / Wallace architects / Dublin / Ireland
2008 SLAS architects / Poland

Mariusz Komraus.-
2000 Silesian University of Technology / Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning / Gliwice / Poland
2002-2004 Studio Stozek & Partners / Katowice / Poland
2004-2008 Paul Duignan & Associates / Dublin / Ireland
2008 Maka & Sojka Architects / Warsaw / Poland
2008 SLAS architects / Poland
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  • Name
    Aleksander Bednarski, Mariusz Komraus. SLAS architects
  • Birth
  • Venue
    Katowice, Poland.
  • Website