Romero Vallejo
Sara Romero and Mariano Vallejo, founding partner of Romero Vallejo, studied Architecture at the School of Architecture at the University of Barcelona and the University of Valladolid. In addition, Sara also studied architecture at the Facoltà di Architettura della Scuola della Sapienza, Università di Roma in Italy and Mariano hold a Master’s degree in Design and Restoration of Architectural Structures from the School of Architecture at the University of Barcelona.
In 2004, after their experience of working in highly acclaimed architecture firms, they founded Romero Vallejo, a multidisciplinary architecture and global design firm dedicated to both small and large-scale projects.
At the same time, they also collaborate with artisans and manufacturers in the creation of new products, adapting traditional manufacturing and assembly techniques to new construction and contemporary design needs. Their interest in integrating product design and architecture has led them to collaborate in a wide range of sectors such as ceramics, glass, general upholstery, metalwork, woodwork and furniture, amongst many others.
They have carried out various product design projects through the “The Spanish Foundation for Innovation in Crafts” and have received several prizes for design applied to craftwork. They have also been awarded with prizes for architecture and interior design and have participated in various collective exhibitions.
Their projects are recognized on an international level in specialist publications and on leading sector-specific websites.
In terms of their teaching activities, they give conferences at and collaborate with the Barcelona Architecture Center, Clemson University and the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED). In addition, they have also served on the Culture Commission of the Official Architects’ Association of Castile-La Mancha, where they were involved in the creation and launch of Architecture Week in Toledo.
NameSara y Mariano. Romero Vallejo