

Néstor Llorca. (Quito 1981) Ph.D. in Architecture from the University of Alcalá with the thesis “Hybrid architectures of hybrid cultures. The case of Quito in the 20th century”. Master in Architecture and City Project and Architect from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2008. Member of the research groups “Theorization and diagnosis of contemporary habitat” and “Intelligent environments via cyber-physical systems”. He has published several articles in the areas of Theory and Criticism, as well as in Technology in journals from Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, Spain, Ireland, and Italy. BAQ XXIII Pan American Award, printed books category. He was dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering at Universidad Internacional SEK between 2017 and 2022. Co-founder of I + D + A together with Verónica Rosero.
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  • Name
    Néstor Llorca
  • Birth
  • Venue
    Quito, Ecuador.
  • Website