

The Ithaques workshop, based in Paris, develops its activity on topics that are in the articulation of architecture, urban renewal, and sustainable development. Anna Bogdan and Danyel Thiébaud, partners for more than ten years, strive to restore the architectural quality where the ground has been abandoned, provided that a heritage no longer faces the challenges of today, where the city is dysfunctional and is no longer attractive.

This commitment is the founder of the workshop, it is the meeting of specific skills: the experience of Anna Bogdan, an urban planner for a long time at the service of new cities, Danyel Thiébaud's attachment to the modern heritage of the 20th century and the common. awareness of 'an emergency: sustainably repairing our cities.

Ithaques is also committed to a collective approach, formed by alliances capable of responding to increasingly specific issues. The WRA agency, winner of the NAJAP in 2008, joined the workshop in the 12th arrondissement of Paris in 2015. This merger was logically achieved after the delivery of a first common program, a student residence in Versailles, a project in the structure of wood on existing infrastructure. WRA brings its experience in wood construction and mixed programs to the shop.

The workshop's work is demanding, it is periodically published in the specialized press (the Monitor, AMC, Casabella, Details, Ecologgia ...) and has been awarded numerous prizes (2010 Environmental Prize, Construction Trophée 2017 and 2018, Trophée Bois 2017 ).
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  • Name
    Anna Bogdan, Danyel Thiébaud. Ithaques