Jordi Ginabreda Ferrés, born in la Vall d’En Bas, Girona, 1981. Graduated in Interior design in Bau University in Barcelona, Spain and in Landscape in Bucks New University, U.K. After having worked at several offices of interior design and architecture: RCR Arquitectes, Sandra Tarruella & Isabel Lòpez Interioristas, Jaime Beriestain Studio amongst others, decided to open his own studio at 2008.
Received many awards, including: First Prize. COAC Girona County Architecture Awards 2020, Interiors category, Buttercup Girona. First prize. Restaurant & Bar Design Awards, London. Surface Interiors Category 2016, Tapas bona Sort, Barcelona. Emporia Ephemeral Architecture Awards. Honeycomb night and phoenix light (ephemeral skylight festival facilities). Coac, College of Architects of Girona. Bresca night.
Received many awards, including: First Prize. COAC Girona County Architecture Awards 2020, Interiors category, Buttercup Girona. First prize. Restaurant & Bar Design Awards, London. Surface Interiors Category 2016, Tapas bona Sort, Barcelona. Emporia Ephemeral Architecture Awards. Honeycomb night and phoenix light (ephemeral skylight festival facilities). Coac, College of Architects of Girona. Bresca night.
NameJordi Ginabreda