
Fernando Alda

Fernando Alda. Between 1979 and 1980 he has studied photography at the Image Teaching Center, Madrid. Since 1981 he has been a professional photographer and since 1986 has specialized in architectural photography and infrastructure. From 1987 to 1993 he has made the photographic follow-up of the works for the Seville Expo 1992.

The photographic archive of his study, mostly digitized, with more than eight thousand reports made mostly in Spain but also in Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, Turkey, Switzerland or Morocco ; serves as a standard consultation for a large number of publications around the world, allowing periodic presence in national and foreign books and magazines. Architecture, Interior Design and Architecture are an example of the many publications where their photographs appear monthly. He currently teaches and lectures as a guest at universities and congresses in Spain, Costa Rica and Panama. Since the eighties he has participated in different collective and individual exhibitions. 

The last individual performed were:
-Dreaming. Soñando arquitectura. 2005 Sala Cal. Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz).
-Tu alma es el mundo entero. 2009. Sala del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cádiz.
-Del Monumento a la Ciudad, de la Ciudad al Mar. 2011. Centro Cultural Isabel de Farnesio. Aranjuez (Madrid)
-La Poética del Esqueleto. 2012. Galería El Fotómata. Sevilla
-La Poética del Esqueleto. 2013. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Panamá
-La Memoria de lo imaginado. 2016. Centro de Iniciativas Culturales de la Universidad de Sevilla (CICUS).
-La Memoria de lo imaginado. 2016. Parque de las Ciencias. Granada.
-La Memoria de lo imaginado. 2017. Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía (CAF). Almería.
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  • Name
    Fernando Fernando Alda