
Equipo 57

Equipo 57 is a group of artists created in 1957, by Juan Cuenca, Ángel Duarte, José Duarte, Agustín Ibarrola, Juan Serrano and lasts until 1962, although its official dissolution takes place in 1966 after its exhibition in Bern.

Heirs of the most extreme current of concrete art, Equipo 57 is an important reference for several generations of Spanish normative artists. In fact, his work, which is constantly updated, continues to grow in recognition both nationally and internationally.

Its position, always radical, raises and questions issues such as authorship, to which the members of the team renounce, and the direct influence of art on society: art as a motor that can change society, as a dynamic element and fundamental to awaken consciences.

His artistic interests range from experimental cinema to architecture, interior design and industrial design, through painting and sculpture. Among his works occupies an important place the development of furniture providing patterns of simplicity and beauty in their designs that only nowadays become commonplace in creations.

One of the main contributions is the elaboration of the Theory of the Interactivity of the Plastic Space, developed in 1957, and that they will apply in all their later artistic production.

The brief but very prolific trajectory of Equipo 57 (1957-1962), made that his works could be contemplated already in his time in important public and private spaces: Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid, Córdoba, Sion, ... and in recognition of his career In 1993, the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum, in Madrid, dedicated its first major retrospective exhibition.

To that important exhibition, other great exhibitions have been added that have contributed to the knowledge of one of the most enriching interesting and original contributions of Spanish art to contemporaneity.
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  • Name
    Juan Cuenca, Ángel Duarte, José Duarte, Agustín Ibarrola, Juan Serrano. Equipo 57