
"Atelier Delalande Tabourin"

Atelier Delalande Tabourin (ADT) is an architecture studio founded in 2017 by Nicolas Delalande and Sébastien Tabourin, and based in Paris and Orléans, France. The office is positioned in a contemporary and sensitive reflection on architecture, which mainly revolves around a unique work with materials.

ADT is driven by a deep desire to experience space in its sensible and sensory dimensions. A specific investigation of each of their sites that pushes them to insist more on the material contextualization of their projects than on a search for a particular form or visual identity. Work with textures, colors, lights, noises, smells, shapes and volumes that allow your architecture to transcribe the felt atmosphere of the place. For this reason, they seek to privilege materials from local geology or local craftsmanship, paying special attention to their possible reuse.

2020.- Winners of the Albums of Young Architects and Landscape Architects (AJAP), a European competition for young architectural and landscape creation organized by the Ministry of Culture.
2017.- Winners of the Concrete Trophy, 2nd prize.
2016.- Winners of the Grand Prize for Architecture of the Academy of Fine Arts.