Ahaus Arquitectos
Every transformation must occur after a deep analysis of the situation and, in many cases, after a return to the origin of things. That is why AHAUS bases its work on the classic triad that defines the very essence of architecture. Utilitas, all projects serve a purpose. Firmitas, they are built to last. Venustas, beauty cannot be missing. To the triad they add sustentabilitas, building with responsibility and awareness, thinking about tomorrow.
Under this umbrella they develop projects of diverse nature. Winners of the competition for the Rehabilitation of the Casa de Blas Infante in Isla Cristina (Huelva) and the Rehabilitation of the Old Railway Facilities for the Marismas y Salinas del Tinto Interpretation Centre in San Juan del Puerto (Huelva); they also maintain a strong link with private housing, committed to the reuse and rehabilitation of heritage for this purpose. Their leitmotiv is that "Quality is not a coincidence. It is a habit that is built step by step."
NameAna Gómez, Henar Herrero, Antonio Olaya. Ahaus Arquitectos
VenueHuelva, Spain.