David García
David García creates in early 2010 the project workshop daw, having co-founded Chacártegui García Architects in 2004 where, with Antón Chacártegui, directed the dedication of the study to the public competition and promoting private sources.
Previously, David García collaborates with José Antonio Martínez Lapeña & Elías Torres Architects, keeping a special memory of learning and experience in large projects. Even before, during his last years at university, he worked with Benjamín Pleguezuelos, which owes much of the base and the rigor of its architecture.
daw is intended as a summary of the experiences of each of the people who have worked and will work in the study. From unfinished projects to built projects, the study expresses the evolution of ideas and projects with a clear sense of self-criticism. DAW is a space to reflect on architecture, urbanism and design of all the elements that give scale and materialize their spaces. Within the study David develops, designs and marks the general guidelines for each project and the collaborators and multidisciplinary teams challenge it to improve outcome.
2013 · act PhD in ETSALS Escola Tècnica Superior d´Arquitectura La Salle
2013 Master Thesis Kubeflex. Distribuciones agregativas. Arne Jacobsen 1969. by ETSALS Escola Tècnica Superior d´Arquitectura La Salle
2012 · 2013 MPIA Master in Integrated Architectural Project by ETSALS Escola Tècnica Superior d´Arquitectura La Salle
2004 Senior Architect by ETSALS Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura La Salle
2008·2009 Teacher of Planning V of Senior Architecture in ETSALS Barcelona
2008 Invited teacher for the conference for new students in ETSALS entitled "Qué te va a dar la arquitectura". Barcelona
2007 Invited teacher for the conference for new students in ETSALS entitled "Obra Reciente". Barcelona
2010 2nd finalist prize. ParcBit Alaior building. Menorca
2009 1st prize ex aequo Racons del FAD competition of ideas for resolving the outer space "A corner in Lesseps square", with the slogan "L´albereda de Lesseps". Barcelona
2008 Finalist. Competition for the Project to build 18 v.p.o. houses in Palma for the IBAVI under the theme "block interiors". Mallorca
2007 1rst restricted competition prize of ideas for the proposed restoration of the Hotel UTO and their environments in Palma de Mallorca, organized by council under the motto "overlooking the sea". Mallorca 2007 1rst prize of a restricted competition of ideas for the connection between Bellver's Castle and Génova through a green leisure and cultural walk in Palma de Mallorca, convened by the city hall, with the slogan "Génova Verde" which means "Green Génova". Mallorca
2006 1rst prize of a restricted competition for the enclosure of the park of Ses Estacions in Palma de Mallorca, convened by SFM, with the slogan "bosque de álamos" which means "poplar forest". Mallorca
2005 5th finalist prize in the competition EUROPAN08, Ceuta, bonze, with the slogan "grottos". Ceuta
2004 2nd prize. International competition organized by BCB, "international roca design competition", "the hotel bathroom of the future". Barcelona
2002 Finalist prize FAD 2002 architecture. (collaboration in the study Benjamín Pleguezuelos) Especial mention award in Barcelona 2002. Architecture and Urbanism. (collaboration in the study Benjamín Pleguezuelos)
from 2004 · COAC member. "Col·legi Oficial d´Arquitectes de Catalunya"
NombreDAW. David García